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Famous faces attend the Friends of Rise inaugural lunch at Saba

Famous faces attend the Friends of Rise inaugural lunch at Saba

Senator Frances Black, RTÉ presenter Des Cahill and media personality Norah Casey were among 100 guests who attended the Friends of Rise inaugural lunch at Saba in Dublin today.

The RISE Foundation was set up by senator and singer, Frances Black, in 2009, to support families impacted by a loved one’s addictive behaviour through awareness, education and therapy. As it doesn’t receive core funding, the foundation relies exclusively on generous contributions from both individuals and businesses. It also depends greatly on the dedicated support of Friends of Rise, a group of people who support the aims and mission of the foundation.

Rise inaugural lunch at Saba

As a result of the generous support it received, Rise was able to provide 560 one-on-one counselling sessions in 2018. In addition, 117 family members attended 10-week Rise programmes, 36 attended fortnightly aftercare sessions and 713 people availed of the telephone and advice service.

“As well as raising much-needed funds, the lunch was a chance for the team at Rise to thank our supporters and to look to the future,”  says chairperson Danica Murphy. “We hold several regular annual events that are the cornerstones of our fundraising efforts, such as our golf classic, the Rathlin Ramble and the Camino. We wanted to pay tribute to those who have volunteered, fundraised, held events and attended events for Rise.”

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