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Questions and Answers with Tao

Questions and Answers With Tao!

Affectionately known as Tao, Taweesak Trakoolwattana has been Saba’s executive since we opened our first restaurant in Dublin’s city centre in 2006. We managed to get him away from creating exciting new menus to ask him a few questions.

Tao at Saba

What is your favourite Saba dish to cook at the moment?

My favourite dish to cook has to be the ‘Hake in Banana Leaf’. It’s such an appetising dish and it’s one of our popular dishes on the menu at the moment.

What was the most valuable lesson you have learned on your career path?
I always believe that it is important to treat my team like my family as their family are in Thailand. We ensure they are happy and passionate about their craft. They are more relaxed and cook from the heart rather than as a duty.

Which kitchen tool could you not live without?
For me, the most important tool in my kitchen has to be the wok. Growing up in Thailand, the wok was used for congee at breakfast, noodles at lunch, and stir fry or curry at dinner. Every home should have one!

What/who inspires you?
My mum is a big inspiration to me. She raised me and my twelve brothers and sisters and cooked for us every day. She brought me into her kitchen at the age of nine and taught me everything she knows. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for her.

Let us in on your top foodie tip…
Use fresh ingredients and good quality sauces for Thai and Vietnamese food. It brings out the natural aromas when cooking. This is what makes our food authentic, healthy, and delicious.

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